2024-05-28 18:51:06-04:00 - Arrived: BESM Retro Second Edition RPG plus BESM 4E Expansions

I have a lot of fond memories of running BESM 2nd Edition back in the day, and even more of building things for it. While BESM 4th Edition is probably better balanced and more flexible, BESM 2E has a certain charm of its own; for one thing, it's simpler. I was pleased to see Dyskami republishing BESM 2E. I was also glad to see additional details on the world Ikaris from BESM Multiverse, the Denizens of the Multiverse cards (cards with various BESM stats for various entities, collected from many of the BESM 4E books), the new BESM 4E Character Folio, and the second Ikarion novel.

BESM Retro 2nd Edition

BESM Ikaris, Denizens of the Multiverse, and the Character Folio

Ikarion Quest novel

BESM Retro Second Edition RPG plus BESM 4E Expansions Kickstarter

Dyskami Publishing